Wednesday, August 21, 2013

1/5 of One Direction Engaged!

Awwww, can you hear the wedding bells ringing!?!?!

If you didn't believe before then believe it now... One Direction's, ZAYN MALIK, is ENGAGED to longtime Little Mix singer girlfriend, PERRIE EDWARDS!!! OHHH THE EXCITEMENT!!

We figured things were really serious, since Zayn had Perrie tattooed on his arm, but never did we imagine a proposal this soon!

It is said that the Little Things singer popped the question this past sunday, August 18! One question Zayn...HOW DID YOU DO IT??? Deets please?

Although the news came out in the open this morning, directioners began to get an idea upon spotting a ring on the DNA singer's finger, when she walked the red carpet to the premiere of le boyfriend's (now fiance) This Is Us movie.

Questions began to rise but nothing was asked, probably to keep the attention focused on one of One Direction's greatest accomplishments. 

But the lovely couple looked absolutely stunning and happy at the premiere!

AWWWWWW!!!! Sources say that before proposing, Zayn asked Perrie's mom, brother and best friend for their permission beforehand! WHAT A GENTLEMAN!! While millions of directioners, or said to be "Zayn girls" cry their poor hearts out, others can't help but congratulate the cute couple on the great news! Hang in there ladies you still have Harry and Niall!!!

Speaking of One Direction....WHO WILL BE THE BEST MAN??? Zayn has some choosing to do!! While that is yet to be discovered we wait to find out when the wedding will take place, as well as the style of Perrie's wedding dress!!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Ed Sheeran taking over MSG

Sheerios if that did not make you scream or cry tears of joy, then what will??? 

You read it right! Mr. Ed Sheeran himself announced this morning that he will be playing in one of the greatest arenas.....MADISON SQUARE GARDEN! What great news to start our day right??? While there are many more details to come SHEERIOS mark your calendars because we have a date with Ed, November 1st!

But before Ed announced the big news someone's loosed lips gave out a hint before hand as Ed stated...

And who may be the one who "jumped the gun"? Well, Perez Hilton, here informed us before the 22 year old ginger could.
But heck! Anyone would be proud to announce such great news!!!

Now we just wait patiently for the concert and congratulate Ed on such an amazing success! He is pretty excited himself and without a doubt his dad would be too!!!

Best of luck to you Ed! Can't wait to see what more you have in store for us!

Monday, July 22, 2013

The Half Blood Prince!

The wait is finally over!!!
Kate and William have welcomed their first child in to the world and IT'S A BOY!!!

Around the early hours of July 22, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge arrived St. Mary's Hospital-the same hospital where Will and his brother Harry were born-for the delivery of the royal baby. After many hours of labor, at 4:24pm, London time, Kate Middleton gave birth to an 8lb., 6oz, baby boy! Sources state that Will did not leave Kate's side at any moment and stood by her every second! AWWWWW!!!

The baby is now third in line to the throne, behind Prince Charles and Prince William! There are still many more details to come, like the name of the baby as well as future godparents! In the meantime let's take time to congratulate Will and Kate on their blessing sent from above, also congrats to the rest of the royal family!

Just imagine how proud Princess Diana is at the moment, oh the tears of joy!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Adam Levine Engaged!

Alright ladies, get your box of tissues and ice cream because Adam Levine is completely OFF THE MARKET!!

You read it right, the 34 year old singer-songwriter, has popped the question. A rep of Adam's confirmed that The Voice judge proposed to his Victoria's Secret model, Behati Prinsloo over the weekend in Los Angeles. 

As you all known, Adam and the 24 year old model began dating back in May 2012, shortly after the hunk and his sports illustrated model girlfriend Anna Vyalitsyna split. The couple split their 2 year relationship in April 2012, well Mr. Levine seems to move on quick! But wait, let's not forget that it was Anna who did the dumping so no harm feelings right!

There is no doubt that many MANY girls are now brokenhearted! It's ok ladies, there's plenty if fishes in the sea don't give up. Now let's be happy for the Maroon 5 singer and his soon to be wife!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Girl Meets World

Boy Meets World fans prepare for a reunion!

It's official you guys!!! Disney Channel has decided to pick up on the famous 90's show, Boy Meets World, sequel, Girl Meets World!! The show is said to air in 2014 and focuses on Corey and Topanga Matthews' daughter, Riley, along side of her best friend Maya-hmmmm reminds us a lot of Corey and Shawn-as they enter 7th grade. The setting will pick up right where Boy Meets World had their finale in 2000, NEW YORK CITY!

In New York, Corey is now a teacher at his daughter's, Riley, school (following the footsteps of Ole' Sweeny aren't we Matthews?) while Topanga is the owner of one of the greatest after school hangouts.We hope the show is just as good as Boy Meets World and everyone is captivated by it's humor and the close relationships between family and friends.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Kimye welcome baby girl!

OH MY GOSH!!! After waiting for so long, Kim Kardashian, 32, and rapper Kanye West, 36, finally welcome their little bundle of joy, today June 15!

The couple only a year have had a rough path in their one year relationship, especially dealing with Kim's divorce to former hubby Kris Humprhies, but the birth of their baby girl will surely bring joy to them all. Although the couple is not married yet, WHAT'S THE HOLD UP KANYE?, this is a great step in their lovely relationship. But shouldn't it be marriage first and then babies? Looks like Kim might be following the footsteps of sister Kourtney, 2 kids later with Scott and they still haven't wed! Is commitment really that terrifying?

Well, we should give them time to adjust to the new life that has been brought into this world and only hope for the best. Kim and Kanye have some serious parenting skills to develop, but they've done well so far, considering that last night Kanye cancelled his own appearance at HIS OWN record release party to aid his baby momma! AWWW how sweet of him! But we are glad that both KIM and BABY are healthy considering the fact that she delivered 5 weeks early! WOW! Get some rest Kim and CONGRATS!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

May the "voice" be ever in their favor!

Alright's all lead up to this, THE FINAL 3!!! So come on how many of you guys were on the edge of your seats, sweating and praying that your favorite singer was saved? For some there was relieved but for others, there were probably tears of despair, as they saw Sasha Allen and Amber Carrington say Goodbye to that beloved stage.

After one heck of a show on Monday, the first finalist to be saved was indie-rock singer Michelle Chamuel, followed by Cypress, Tx's own Danielle Bradbery, and last but NOT least....THE SWON BROTHERS! All three have fought a tough battle to make it to this point but now it's time to bring out the big guns! So no pressure to both coaches Usher and Blake; Blake having already won 2 seasons of The Voice will add a third if either Danielle or the Swon Brothers win, on the other hand the newbie, Usher, will have his first win of the season if Michelle takes it all home-not so bad for a newcomer eh!

But it was not all tears of joy for the fellow coaches, Adam Levine and Shakira, for they had to watch their last warriors go back home, leaving them with no artist. As season 4 comes to an end all the tension builds up and questions begin to arise...who will America choose as the winner!? We will have to wait and see, let the nail biting begin! Make sure to tune in next week Monday and Tuesday 8/7c and vote for your favorite!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Gender Guessing!

SPILL THE BEANS KATE! We are all dying to know if you're going to have a beautiful baby girl or a handsome baby boy! Well whatever the gender is, we are 100% sure both Will and Kate are just as excited, or more, than we are for the birth of their first child!

The fashionable Duches, who is due in JULY, was spotted out and about shopping at Bernard Thorp & Co. on Chelsea Manor Street in London, for nursery decorations. Hmmmm what exactly are you looking for Kate?

Even though the royal family have "mum's the word" about the gender of the baby, witness have stated that her royal highness spent 45 MINUTES choosing BLUE prints for the nursery wall!!! Kate, what kind of games are you playing?

So what do you guys think?? Will Kate being having a girl who can be a bit "tomboyish" or a fierce little boy?? Unfortunately, we have to wait until Kate delivers her little bundle of joy into the world, to figure out what the gender is, until then one can only be glad for the two lovebirds! LET THE COUNTDOWN BEGIN!

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Little Mix leave their mark!

First Britain gives us One Direction, then Ed Sheeran and NOW LITTLE MIX!!!


The British girl group winner of The 2011 X-Factor UK begin to round up their second North American visit, hitting up Los Angeles today June 9th and New Jersey tomorrow June 10th. But, for only being here for a while the girls will head back home leaving us with GREAT IMPACTS!! Their debut album 'DNA' has made HISTORY!!! On June 5th, they became the FIRST EVER British girl group to debut on the TOP 5 on the US Billboard 200 Album Chart! WOW, AMAZING ISN'T IT! The girls even broke SPICE GIRLS' 1997 record, Spice Girls came in #6 and Little Mix entered as #4! Ohh bless those Brits and their great accomplishments! 

We wonder what Little Mix has in store for us in the near future! Could they be the female version of the British/ Irish boy band ONE DIRECTION? Who knows but the girls definitely have their support, especially in promoting their album, which is now #8 on the iTunes pop genre chart!

If you haven't checked out their new album or heard their hit single 'Wings' WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?!?!? Go check it out!! It's great!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Smell like One Direction

First the announcement of the 2014 tour Where We Are and now the announcement of a NEW FRAGRANCE!!

Directioners you heard and read it! You will be able to have that great summer smell thanks to our lovely boys! One Direction has finally revealed the name of their new fragrance...(drum roll).....OUR MOMENT! After hours of being teased with few pictures of the bottle we finally have the full view of it!

The fragrance is scheduled to be released on August 25th, we already know the malls will be PACKED with tons of girls wanting to get their hands on that bottle! The boys add this to their list of  VARIOUS accomplishments, then again who wouldn't??? Both Harry and Niall seemed very excited when releasing the news...

So who will be one of the first to get the fragrance when it finally comes out?? Stores should start preparing themselves for one of the greatest avalanches coming their way! But aside from the fragrance, does anyone else hear the announcement of a clothing line??? We can only wait and hope for that day! Till then we are settled with their new movie, THIS IS US, that will hit theaters soon, and the fragrance!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Michelle was trouble when she walked in!

WOWZAA!! From the beginning we all knew Michelle Chamuel had and still has great potential, BUT those vocal chords last night made it seem she's been hiding more from us.

Team Usher's very own, Michelle Chamuel, surely delivered one of the greatest performances of this season. Last night on NBC's The Voice, each contestant sang two songs-one chosen by their coach and the second one chosen by themselves. The first song the indie-rocker performed was Keane's "Somewhere Only We Know", she did perfectly well job on the song but needles to say that her second song blew us away!

For her second song Michelle Chamuel did her version of Taylor Swift's "I Knew You Were Trouble" and boy was it a knockout! But before surprising and blowing away the audience, Michelle got a little surprise of her own when T-Swissle herself dropped by as Usher posted on Instagram:
You can only imagine the shock in Michelle's face when the "I Knew You Were Trouble" singer appeared before her own eyes and gave her some advice for her performance. Surely enough Michelle left her mark on the show last night showing how much more potential she's being hiding from us! Usher even stated, "I guess we knew she had trouble when she walked in"  YOU GO GIRL!

If you missed Michelle's performance or you just can't get enough from it click on the link to watch it!

Make sure to tune in tonight's airing of NBC's The Voice at 8/7PMc to view the results in elimination, did you save your favorite?

Monday, June 3, 2013

The Jackson Four?

How exactly are the Jackson's keeping Michael alive?

It'll be nearly 4-years this month since the passing of the beloved Michael Jackson, but how exactly does his family continue to not only keep him alive but also his music? After an exclusive first look from Entertainment Tonight, the crew managed to get a peek at the remaining 4 Jackson's and their performance in Moscow, Russia! They went up on that stage and as a tribute to their loving brother, Michael, they performed his songs. Pretty sure it is not so easy to perform without the 5th member of the group, but they still manage to pull through together. 

Could it be possible that they will launch off a tour performing only Michael's songs? Or will they add in there a few of the classics that started it all? As of right now we are unaware of what will continue but it sure is great to know that Michael's music continues to move people like before, as well as the fact that his brothers are keeping up his legacy.

So what do you guys think of a tour of The Jackson's performing to Michael's songs? 

Momma's Best Man!

Can Harry Styles be any more perfect? 

From singing all across Europe to putting on that suit and tie, Harry Styles does the greatest duty of all, he walks his mom down the aisle. As we all know Harry's mom, Anne Cox, recently married longtime partner, Robin Twist, in a lovely ceremony at Peck's restaurant in Cheshire, England. The location was remain private to keep any Directioners from crashing the party.

The 19-year old One Direction singer did a fine job in fulfilling his duty as best man. His sister, 20-year old Gemma, also portrayed her role as the maid of honor. Both looked absolutely stunning during the celebration, but let's not forget Anne who looked marvelous in that wedding dress.

We can only imagine the feels of the Directioners upon taking a look at Harry all suited up. As for the family, they rested up and had some time together, but were still filled with exhaustion.
We congratulate Anne on her new hubby and wish them the best. 

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Will Kanye West stand up Kim Kardashian at her own baby shower?

Oh uh! Is Kim Kardhian's baby daddy, Kanye West, too afraid to lose his "swag" by showing up to the all girls baby shower? Rumors state that Mr. West is unsure of showing up at the baby shower since "he [Kanye] feels it's a little weird if he's the only guy", says Khloe Kardashian. Well Kanye shouldn't feel that way since he wouldn't be the first guy to show up to his baby momma's baby shower. As we all remember Scott Disick showed up to Kourtney's baby shower on his own even when Kourtney nor Kris wanted him there.
So will Kanye be showing up? Khloe confirmed that Kanye will be making an appearance towards the end of the shower AND will be accompanied by Lord [Scott] Disick and Lamar Odom. "It's girls, but Kanye will come at the end." Khloe said, adding on "I think Scott and Lamar might bring Kanye at the end."

A new episode of Keeping Up With The Kardashians airs tonight, June 2nd at 9pm/8pm central, so we shall wait until then to see if Kanye does indeed show up. Also don't miss tonight's episode because Kim will be revealing her baby's gender...I repeat KIM WILL REVEAL THE BABY'S GENDER, could it be a girl or boy or by the size of her tummy could it be a surprise that she's having TWINS?

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Niall Horan off the market??

Please tell me it isn't so!! Is One Direction's Niall Horan off the market? Last night, a friendly tweet by the one and only, Niall Horan, sent various Directioners, or Niall girls, to their maximum level of insane. Niall's tweet telling people to follow Ella Scally, who just so happens to be his ex-girlfriend, Holly Scally's, younger sister, caused a few heart breaks in some girls with their thoughts that the two might be rekindling the fire.
Now we all know that Holly and Niall split up back in 2010 before he auditioned for The X-Factor, the show that completely changed his life, but could it be that maybe they have some unfinished business? While the 1D cutie has not confirmed if anything is going on, there are still various Directioners waiting for an answer, until then Niall and the rest of the boys from One Direction gather up their gear and prepare for their North American tour.