Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Girl Meets World

Boy Meets World fans prepare for a reunion!

It's official you guys!!! Disney Channel has decided to pick up on the famous 90's show, Boy Meets World, sequel, Girl Meets World!! The show is said to air in 2014 and focuses on Corey and Topanga Matthews' daughter, Riley, along side of her best friend Maya-hmmmm reminds us a lot of Corey and Shawn-as they enter 7th grade. The setting will pick up right where Boy Meets World had their finale in 2000, NEW YORK CITY!

In New York, Corey is now a teacher at his daughter's, Riley, school (following the footsteps of Ole' Sweeny aren't we Matthews?) while Topanga is the owner of one of the greatest after school hangouts.We hope the show is just as good as Boy Meets World and everyone is captivated by it's humor and the close relationships between family and friends.

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