Saturday, June 15, 2013

Kimye welcome baby girl!

OH MY GOSH!!! After waiting for so long, Kim Kardashian, 32, and rapper Kanye West, 36, finally welcome their little bundle of joy, today June 15!

The couple only a year have had a rough path in their one year relationship, especially dealing with Kim's divorce to former hubby Kris Humprhies, but the birth of their baby girl will surely bring joy to them all. Although the couple is not married yet, WHAT'S THE HOLD UP KANYE?, this is a great step in their lovely relationship. But shouldn't it be marriage first and then babies? Looks like Kim might be following the footsteps of sister Kourtney, 2 kids later with Scott and they still haven't wed! Is commitment really that terrifying?

Well, we should give them time to adjust to the new life that has been brought into this world and only hope for the best. Kim and Kanye have some serious parenting skills to develop, but they've done well so far, considering that last night Kanye cancelled his own appearance at HIS OWN record release party to aid his baby momma! AWWW how sweet of him! But we are glad that both KIM and BABY are healthy considering the fact that she delivered 5 weeks early! WOW! Get some rest Kim and CONGRATS!

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