Monday, June 3, 2013

Momma's Best Man!

Can Harry Styles be any more perfect? 

From singing all across Europe to putting on that suit and tie, Harry Styles does the greatest duty of all, he walks his mom down the aisle. As we all know Harry's mom, Anne Cox, recently married longtime partner, Robin Twist, in a lovely ceremony at Peck's restaurant in Cheshire, England. The location was remain private to keep any Directioners from crashing the party.

The 19-year old One Direction singer did a fine job in fulfilling his duty as best man. His sister, 20-year old Gemma, also portrayed her role as the maid of honor. Both looked absolutely stunning during the celebration, but let's not forget Anne who looked marvelous in that wedding dress.

We can only imagine the feels of the Directioners upon taking a look at Harry all suited up. As for the family, they rested up and had some time together, but were still filled with exhaustion.
We congratulate Anne on her new hubby and wish them the best. 

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