Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Ed Sheeran taking over MSG

Sheerios if that did not make you scream or cry tears of joy, then what will??? 

You read it right! Mr. Ed Sheeran himself announced this morning that he will be playing in one of the greatest arenas.....MADISON SQUARE GARDEN! What great news to start our day right??? While there are many more details to come SHEERIOS mark your calendars because we have a date with Ed, November 1st!

But before Ed announced the big news someone's loosed lips gave out a hint before hand as Ed stated...

And who may be the one who "jumped the gun"? Well, Perez Hilton, here informed us before the 22 year old ginger could.
But heck! Anyone would be proud to announce such great news!!!

Now we just wait patiently for the concert and congratulate Ed on such an amazing success! He is pretty excited himself and without a doubt his dad would be too!!!

Best of luck to you Ed! Can't wait to see what more you have in store for us!

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