Wednesday, August 21, 2013

1/5 of One Direction Engaged!

Awwww, can you hear the wedding bells ringing!?!?!

If you didn't believe before then believe it now... One Direction's, ZAYN MALIK, is ENGAGED to longtime Little Mix singer girlfriend, PERRIE EDWARDS!!! OHHH THE EXCITEMENT!!

We figured things were really serious, since Zayn had Perrie tattooed on his arm, but never did we imagine a proposal this soon!

It is said that the Little Things singer popped the question this past sunday, August 18! One question Zayn...HOW DID YOU DO IT??? Deets please?

Although the news came out in the open this morning, directioners began to get an idea upon spotting a ring on the DNA singer's finger, when she walked the red carpet to the premiere of le boyfriend's (now fiance) This Is Us movie.

Questions began to rise but nothing was asked, probably to keep the attention focused on one of One Direction's greatest accomplishments. 

But the lovely couple looked absolutely stunning and happy at the premiere!

AWWWWWW!!!! Sources say that before proposing, Zayn asked Perrie's mom, brother and best friend for their permission beforehand! WHAT A GENTLEMAN!! While millions of directioners, or said to be "Zayn girls" cry their poor hearts out, others can't help but congratulate the cute couple on the great news! Hang in there ladies you still have Harry and Niall!!!

Speaking of One Direction....WHO WILL BE THE BEST MAN??? Zayn has some choosing to do!! While that is yet to be discovered we wait to find out when the wedding will take place, as well as the style of Perrie's wedding dress!!

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