Wednesday, October 1, 2014

1D Concert Proposal

Guys,  it seems like you may need to take some lessons, that is if you plan on proposing to your special someone anytime soon. What this guy did for his girlfriend, at a One Direction concert in Atlanta, Georgia, is absolutely AMAZING!

Some of you all may or may not have noticed that one of the morning trends on twitter was #1DProposal, now before anyone freaks out none of the 1D guys proposed, but a FAN surely did.

In the early hours of this morning, Bradley Chisenhall, sent out a tweet for help to get the attention of One Direction in order for them to be a part of his GRAND plan....

Everyone knows how strong the 1D fandom is, so you can bet he got ALL the help he needed! People tweeted as much as they possibly could -no fear Bradley's girlfriend doesn't have a twitter so she had NO CLUE! PHEW- causing it to be #1 Worldwide trend AND catching the attention of a certain someone...
THAT'S RIGHT! Not only did the one and only HARRY STYLES follow this guy but he also messaged him about helping with the set up! Awww Harold! Such a sweetie!! Hmmm wonder what plan the guys came up with to make this proposal one to remember? 

Fans were anxious for this moment to happen and needless to say it went perfect! 

See for yourself...

(Credits: Madison Raynor)

You can also hear a happy Harry in the background! HA! 

Congratulations to Bradley and his beautiful soon to be Mrs. Chisenhall!